Schooling in Singapore
Registration at NTU seems to be more difficult than Homer or Degree Navigator, if you can imagine that. Right now I am registered for Electronic and Broadcast Communication, Media in America, and Promotional Communication. I am awaiting approval for Intro to Lit and Psychology. But plan on not taking Psych.
My EBC class seems really interesting. We are going to look at the mediums in electronic broadcasting, including TV, radio, cable and staellite. Then we will examine the broader issues concernign electornic broadcast media, including media impact and effects and ethics. Finally, we will examine the business of electronic broadcast. My professor was a producerof tv shows in Asia, and I believe our TA produced for MTV? I bought the books and one is a book from the US, so that works in my favor, I think.
My Lit professor is a British man who is SO sweet, and half of that class is exchange students, which will help. I don't understand why the approval for this class is taking so long, other than it is not a Communications course.
Media in American is the class I looked forward to the most, and I think it will be very interesting becaue the professor is very critical of the US's media. It only meets once a week and for 3 hours, but I look forward to it a lot because I understand all of his references, and hope I can contribute a lot.
An interesting thing about classes here, is that they tend to depend on the final exam that counts for 50 percent of the grade, and a large group project. I am not sure how this will impact me, but I just need to know that I can study and prepare for a final and hopefully that will be enough. I "made friends" and am in a group for my EBC class, so hopefully they are going to be smart girls? Michele and I are in Prom Comm together but not our tutorials, so I will have a different group for that. My friend Rachel from UofMissouri is in Media in America with me, and Jen from across the hall is in Lit.
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